I love your blog layout. I was wondering if you could share what program you use to make your photos in the side profile "stand out," and also your favorite sources for web design - like where you found your background tile? Thanks!!

Thank you so much!

I use a program on my Mac called 'Pages' to create the Polaroid-esque photos in my About section. It's really simple - the program has different frames you can choose from and also lets you add shadows. Pages is part of iWork and is like Apple's version of Word, but does so much more. I also use it to create my idea boards.

My favorite site for blog layout tips and tricks is Lawny Designs. I used this post to create my layout and tweaked it a bit to move the top sidebar section up (to make it adjacent to the header) as well as add a bottom sidebar section. It takes a bit of experimentation - just be sure to back up your existing layout first.

As far as background tiles, I like to go to a site like iStockphoto and type in something like 'gray textile'. You will get a ton of great textured images. Download one that you like and crop it into a square shape to use as your background tile.

Oh, and it doesn't hurt to have a sister who is a graphic designer either! ;)


  1. Hi Lauren,

    Love your blog. I recently discovered it and have been reading it daily every since. I particularly love your idea boards and you inspired me to try one of my own. I posted it on my blog: www.BobbleHeadBaby.com. If you get a second feel free to check it out.

    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  2. Just found your blog and I love it. I really like that you give info on your blog layout as it's wonderful. Thanks for the info and the entertaining reads. I'm a year or two away from babies, but I feel like I'm getting a real-world education :)

  3. Just found your blog and I love it. I really like that you give info on your blog layout as it's wonderful. Thanks for the info and the entertaining reads. I'm a year or two away from babies, but I feel like I'm getting a real-world education :)



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