Just for Fun...

Testing out a few things I like for the back room. Most of them didn't make the cut (AKA The Hubster didn't like them), but a few select items may advance to the next level...

Any guesses as to which things he liked and which got the axe? :)


  1. I do hope he likes the pouf, because these are cool :)

    Guess he is not into the cushions and the flowery wallpaper...?!

  2. I'm guessing he doesn't love the log (pillow?) or the bright pink pouf? For the record, I think they're great.

  3. Well, I can't say what he liked, but personally I think the lamp and the stack of pillows are fabulous!

  4. Paul & Paula - yes he did like the pouf! But Katherine - no, he doesn't like the log pillow :( And Elise - thanks so much! Unfortunately he wasn't a fan of the pillows :/ Sigh. Someday maybe I'll have a house that's large enough that I can decorate a room all for myself. Until then...back to the drawing board!

  5. Where is that fabulous log pillow from?!

  6. any chance you'd share the source for the pouf (looks like the cb2 one but i haven't seen pink!) and the striped planter/vase/garbage can?

    loving your style!

  7. any chance you'd share the source for the pouf (looks like the cb2 one but i haven't seen pink!) and the striped planter/vase/garbage can?

    loving your style!



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