Pillow Ideas

I'm so ready to add some color to our back room. Right now one side of the room is exploding with color (thanks to our Dotswald wallpaper from Anthropologie), while the other side is very, very gray. In order to marry the two sides, I'm going to pull colors from the wallpaper and use them in the accessories on the gray side of the space. First up - pillows! Here's a little pillow inspiration I've been collecting:

I love this arrangement (via House Beautiful):
I'm pretty sure we're going to go with standard pillows on the left and right side of the couch, and a smaller, wider pillow in the center. Now I'm no Martha Stewart, but I may try my hand at some simple embroidery on the lumbar pillow. Here's what I'm thinking:

I don't think that type of stitch would be difficult (correct me if I'm wrong), although I'm sure it will be a bit time-consuming. Anyone out there who is handy with a needle and thread - I'd appreciate any advice you can give me!


  1. love the colors! Were you ever able to find that fun pink/orange fabric?

  2. I've been trying to get my hands on that pink/yellow fabric but it seems to no longer be available. If you found it please share your source.

  3. Love the pillow ideas! Sorry I don't have any needle and thread advice, other than to be careful with needles around kitties...a friend of mine has a cat in surgery as I type this because he swallowed a needle!

  4. Love your plan! Here's a guide to embroidery stitches that might help - http://potentialprojects.blogspot.com/2011/01/embroidery-stitches-craftowncom.html

    It looks like it's a loose version of a chain stitch, just done haphazardly on the fabric as opposed to in a row.

  5. Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I haven't found a place to purchase the fabric or I would probably be using that for the center pillow instead.

  6. That embroidery will be very easy to do. If you're new to it, this type of design will be very forgiving, because it doesn't have to be exact and uniform. It should go rather quickly!



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