Not Quitting My Day Job

My sister-in-law recently got married and I was (eek!) asked to be the photographer. (If you follow me on Pinterest you may remember a span of a couple of days where I was furiously pinning wedding inspiration photos). She had a beautiful backyard ceremony and everything about the day was just perfect. I have to hand it to wedding photographers - I was definitely completely exhausted by the end of the night. I'm a far cry from a professional, but I am pretty happy with how the photos turned out. Here are a few of my favorites (my beautiful niece was the flower girl):

Congratulations Kari and Alex!


  1. And just to think you didn't even have a professional camera. You can take pictures at my Wedding in Fiji.
    Love you

  2. Nice job Lauren! The photos are beautiful. Maybe you should quit your day job. :-)

  3. Great pictures Lauren! and I did notice that on pinterest ;)



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