Bedroom Idea Board: Getting Deep

I'm working on some of my own idea boards (just for fun) to try to fall back in love with the process. Sometimes creating things for someone else can be a lot more stressful. There's a lot of pressure to 'get it right'. I'm generally a person who loves light, colorful, happy spaces, but lately I've been drawn to a lot of black, richer deeper colors, and natural tones and textures. I've noticed my past two idea boards for have been along this vein, along with this bedroom idea board I've been working on. It's not something I set out to do, it just seems to evolve this way lately:

Clockwise from top left: botanical chart, carved bowls, mirror, rug, blue velvet pillow, striped pillow, bedding, succulent, bench, lamp, sconce, hurricane, bedside table


  1. Lauren, I am loving the deep colors. They are perfect for the shift into colder weather too! The range of styles that you are able to pull togther for a cohesive look always impresses me. Keep 'em coming!



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