Our Weekend in Pictures

It began and ended with dollhouses:

1. Started out with some serious dollhousing.
2. Yeah, that's right, I said dollhousing.
3. Happy kangaroo!
4. Hair is officially long enough to pull back, which poses the question: get it chopped or grow it out?
5. It snowed. A lot. In OCTOBER.
6. Checking out the snow.
7. Snow bunny.
8. Power's out - dollhousing at Grammy & Pop Pop's.

So I seriously still can't believe we got this much snow in October. I think they said that this hasn't happened in like 40 years or something crazy like that. It was kinda cool at first until tree branches started coming down everywhere, we lost power, and the Halloween parade got canceled. Luckily the power came back on Sunday evening - Hallelujah! Which meant that we could watch The Walking Dead and, you know, have heat and light and such things. 

Hoping that things are okay for Trick or Treat tomorrow. We bought the kangaroo costume for Violet to wear last year (we were looking for something warm and cute) and this costume fit the bill. It claimed to be 6-12 months online, but when it arrived it was large enough for a two year old. So we DIY'ed her witch costume at the last minute and put this puppy in storage. Luckily this year it fits and she likes it! Especially her little baby joey that she can put in her pouch. 

I think she's seriously going to LOVE Halloween with walking up to people's houses, seeing scarecrows and jack o' lanterns, and getting candy (not that she can eat it yet but she'll like getting it nonetheless). Not to mention the other kids. Yeah, she's going to freak out (in a good way hopefully).

So excited - Happy Halloween!


  1. Love the sled picture.
    Too bad the power went out and she had to go to the Grandparents house. I'm sure she was happy about that.




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