11 Amazing Wallpapered Nurseries

When we were creating Violet's nursery, I really wanted to use wallpaper but was worried it would be too difficult with her sloped walls. Some days I wish I had a huge house full of rooms so that I could use all of the amazing wallpaper that is out there! But since I'm not winning the lottery any time soon (considering I don't play - oops!) I suppose I'll just have to live vicariously through others. Here are ten eleven children's spaces that got it just right:

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven

Would you ever use wallpaper in a nursery?


  1. Great post! I love the marrimekko print. And look at that tiny baby!

    xo, Anna of (green gable)

  2. i'd seen a few of these floating around the blogosphere (and loved them) but that gray and gold one with the oh joy! wallpaper and flor tiles was new to me and has me swooning! great picks!

  3. Sarah @ circle and sproutOctober 24, 2011 at 7:12 PM

    wish there was a "like" button! I have been thinking about papering a little broom closet that I have (I call it the appliance garage!) I seriously could close my eyes and pick any one of these for it. I love how sophisticated they are even though its for little people.

  4. I think that's what I like about them too! Papering a little closet is such an unexpected surprise - you should totally go for it.

  5. I would love to use some of her wallpaper in the H-Haus - I just wish we had more space for all of the amazing stuff out there!

  6. The Marimekko is a favorite of mine. And isn't amazing how tiny they are at first?! I forget already...

  7. Sarah @ circle and sproutOctober 25, 2011 at 8:08 AM

    Lauren, do you have a favorite wallpaper website??

  8. oh my goodness, I am craving wallpaper they way peopel crave chocolate after drooling all over this post.



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