A Few of My Favorite Things

Baby things that is. Here are a few of the baby items that I've found indispensable so far...

I've already mentioned Opa's handmade baby changing station - it's so convenient and Violet loves it! She's even fallen asleep in it during diaper changes a few times. (And daddies who change diapers of course, too)

Our Moby wrap. We've only used it a few times so far, but it's definitely a great way to get more done while still being close to my baby girl. It was a bit daunting when I first pulled it out, because it is HUGE, but it's actually really easy to wrap, and what I didn't realize is that you wrap it the same way for all of the holds - you just put the baby in differently.

Graco Pack n Play with bassinet, diaper changing station, and infant napper. We haven't used the bassinet feature yet, as Violet is small enough to exclusively use the infant napper. She absolutely loves it. It's soft, comfy, and cozy, and it has a lot of features including vibration, white noise, classical music, and a light.

I honestly didn't think I'd need a pack n play, but after she arrived we really needed a place downstairs for her to nap. At first I was holding her all of the time (which I loved), but I couldn't get anything done, I had no time to shower, etc. And I just didn't feel comfortable putting her all of the way upstairs in her bassinet, even with a baby monitor. So this has been a Godsend.

The only negative is that the changing station is only attached to the Pack n Play on one side, so it's a little tilted. This means that Violet rolls to one side a bit when she's laying in it. It's easily solved though by rolling up a receiving blanket and propping her up on one side.

Our Chicco Keyfit car seat is great. Super easy to put baby in, snap in and out of the car or stroller, and most importantly, Violet thinks it's super comfy and falls asleep in it while we're cruising. Here she is on her first trip to the pediatrician (giving me the side-eye):

And a minute later...fast asleep:

Our IKEA Leka play gym. The toys that came with it didn't really do it for Violet, but I loved it's compact size, look, and the fact that it isn't plastic. The toy situation was easily remedied by removing the boring IKEA toys and adding some of the dangly clip-on toys that you can buy just about anywhere. This monkey is her favorite:

We also strapped a car seat mirror onto the side and she LOVES to look at herself wiggling around.

Our Boppy. Makes breastfeeding so much easier, and is also great for propping up tired arms while we're just holding her too.

Sleep gowns. I honestly didn't think that I would like these, but they make great p.j.'s because they disturb baby less during nighttime diaper changes - no snaps, zippers, etc. I like to keep her as sleepy as possible at night!

And of course I already mentioned the Arm's Reach Co-sleeper and Diaper Genie in a previous post. I'll report on more baby gear as I think about it! Hope this helps a few of you mommies and daddies-to-be out there!

What are your favorite baby items?


  1. What boppy cover did you go with? I'm looking for a modern looking one for my little girls--any suggestions?

  2. Vanessa - we went with the organic Boppy cover here:


  3. I loved my ring sling by ZoloWear because it was way less daunting than the Moby... that thing IS huge! I could not have survived without a snap-n-go style stroller (lightweight and compact), and the Leka gym as well.

    The Leka gym has only recently been retired from our son's room (at 18 months when he started picking it up and tossing it). When Violet is between 2 and 3 months old the "boring" IKEA toys will become a great aid to batting and grasping when she is developing hand control (I remember thinking that my son would never be able to tame his hands, but the gym was a great assistant to that process). When he started sitting around 5 months he loved playing with the toys that dangled right in front of his face. He eventually used it as a pull-up assistant, and it was sturdy enough because of the broad contact with the ground on its feet. Of course it then became a walker and he figured out how to manipulate the toys from above (dropping them out of the slots and putting them back in). He still loves it, but we are trying to set some limits about throwing in the house (so we have a few squishy balls and blocks that he can throw and the gym put away temporarily!).

  4. I'm so glad to see that you are loving some of these items as I have several of the same things that we are just waiting to use when our little guy gets here:). Always, good to here what other Moms like.

  5. we loved our napper on the pack n' play!

  6. I'm so glad to see that you are loving some of these items as I have several of the same things that we are just waiting to use when our little guy gets here:). Always, good to here what other Moms like.



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