Nursery Sources Updated

So many people have written to request sources for the various gifts we were given for the nursery, that rather than continuing to answer these questions individually, I will list them here and eventually update the original nursery post:

Most of the questions have been about the etsy fox & owl purchased for Violet by my sister:

The fox is by etsy seller sleepy king. The owl is by etsy seller le jeune.

I have also received a lot of questions about the crib skirt:

It was purchased for us online at Carousel Designs.

Lastly, the little metallic owl bank was purchased for us by a friend at Target:

I hope that helps! If there's anything you'd like to know about that I missed, let me know!


  1. Such a sweet nursery. I hope you are enjoying your new baby :)

  2. I loooove your nursery. Thanks so much for answering our questions! :)

  3. I loooove your nursery. Thanks so much for answering our questions! :)

  4. i saw you ovre at ohdeedoh and i just looove this nursery- yellow and gray are so fabulous together. you did such a great job.

  5. thank you for sourcing the crib skirt! i have that crib and have been looking for a white skirt :) your nursery is beautiful!!! :)

  6. You have such great taste! I'm new to your blog and can't wait to follow along. Congrats on your baby. I was wondering if you'd share what kind/brand of fabric was used for your bumper? I love it! Thx.

  7. Thanks Kerri! The fabric is Imperial Trellis. I purchased the custom bumper through RockyTop Designs on etsy.

  8. Just wondering where the rocker is from? We are having a tough time finding a sm. rocker thats not a glider. thanks :)

  9. Katie - it is actually a glider, and we purchased it at a yard sale - sorry I can't be more helpful!

  10. I LOVE your nursery. Do you know what the name/brand of the paint you used is? I can't find it on here :) Thanks!!

  11. Thanks Jessica! The paint color is Behr Prelude

  12. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Did you get the 14" skirt or 20"?

  13. Love the nursery! Where did you get the crib?



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