Violet - 1 Month

My little girl turned one month old yesterday! It is amazing how fast the time goes. It feels like I just brought Violet home from the hospital.


On a side note, Violet is currently wearing newborn clothing, so when I asked the Hubster to sew one of her crocheted flowers onto a plain white onesie for her photos, we went with a newborn size. Well apparently they run a bit smaller than regular newborn onesies, so poor Violet was a bit snug in there. Sorry sweetie - now we know! I also decided to lay her on my baby blanket (made by Violet's Great-Grammy back in 1982).  She's received a LOT of beautiful handmade blankets, so I may do a different one each month and then rotate them when I run out. (Or I may just keep using this one - I haven't decided yet.) Anyway...

Cute things Violet is doing at one month:
  • Starting to coo. I love hearing these adorable noises. And I am SO looking forward to her first laugh!
  • Starting to respond with some real smiles. At first I knew that her smiles were mostly due to gas, but I enjoyed them anyway. Lately she has started to smile for real - not often but every once in a while I get a few of these, and it melts my heart!:

  •  Growing out of her newborn clothing. She still fits into most of it, but some is getting a bit snug. She has definitely grown out of her Pampers newborn diapers - I'd guess that she's up to almost 10 pounds now! Size 1 Pampers seem a little bit large on her, but so far we haven't had any blowouts. It would be nice if they had a size in between newborn and 1 - maybe 1/2?
  • Develop a natural routine. I am of the mindset that she is a new baby and I don't try to push her into any sort of routine, but she has started to develop one on her own. She gets sleepy around 10:00, so I start to get ready for bed around 9PM. After I shower and brush my teeth, I change her diaper, feed her, and rock her to sleep by 11PM. She usually wakes up around 2AM, 5AM, and finally 7 or 8AM for good. Most nights I manage to get about 6-8 hours of (non-continuous) sleep. 
  • Focus her eyes a lot more and look around at the world. She definitely loves contrast - she will gaze at the painted tree in her nursery while her diaper is being changed and at her curtains while she is being rocked. I'm glad she likes her room so far!
I love her more and more every day (if that is possible) and I can't wait to see what two months brings, while at the same time I am sad to see my baby already growing and changing from her sleepy newborn cuteness.


      1. She is beautiful...Congratulations on surviving the first month! We did monthly pictures for our son and daughter and you will will love to look back on them. They grow up way too fast :(

      2. She's such a cutie! And that picture of you two smiling at each other is beautiful!

      3. That is such a sweet picture of the two of you together. That should go in a frame for work (If you are going back?).
        Are the onsies Gerber? I noticed their sizes are way smaller than the other brands; same with Old Navy/Gap baby stuff-it runs a bit on the small side

      4. What a sweetie!
        One thing you might consider is photographing your sweet Violet next to the same stuffed animal (or other item) each month. We took monthly pictures of our son next to his stuffed lion, and it was fun to watch the lion "shrink" over the course of the year. Now we're snapping photos of his baby sister with the same lion. It's been a great way to gain added perspective on just how quickly babies grow.

        (Found your blog via Ohdeedoh and the pics of your lovely nursery, btw.)

      5. I love her more and more every day (if that is possible... I hear this frequently from new moms...isn't it splendid!

      6. She's developing such sweet expressions! Enjoy!

      7. Aww! Loving the cuteness and her lil' crocheted accessory :)

      8. oh my goodness. she is gorgeous.

        just found your blog! I will be following now!

        congrats on motherhood. it's probably the best thing in the whole wide world! <3

      9. 2 months is fun too and your heart will grow with her! You will start to be able to tell when she is interested or excited by something because her legs and arms will start going crazy. It's awesome that they can let you know what they like!

      10. she is gorgeous! my little guy hasn't started smiling yet...but i am even more excited for the giggling to start!!
        xx, shari



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