Completely Random Side Project: The Feminist Housewife

A few weeks ago I was approached by the lovely Caroline - write of The Feminist Housewife about a possible blog redesign. After emailing a few ideas back and forth, here's what I came up with:

I wish that I knew a little bit more about html and css. I have so many ideas that I can design in Photoshop but am unable to actually implement in the crazy world of coding. I guess that's why coders get paid the big bucks! Luckily Caroline was looking for something clean and simple. Definitely go check out her blog - it's full of inspiration!


  1. Thanks so much for your hard work, Lauren! I feel like you really captured what I was looking for. = )

  2. Thanks so much for your hard work, Lauren! I feel like you really captured what I was looking for. = )



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