And I am totally kicking myself for not buying her the mini botanist kit from Romp. One of my favorite kids' stores, I'm totally bummed that they are closing up shop. They were offering an amazing thirty-five percent off of EVERYTHING (including the kit) and I hesitated. I mean the kid isn't really ready for it yet - she's got a few years before any flower pressing is going to occur. But seriously - this kit is so adorable, and she is SO into plants at the moment that I kind of feel she must have it. So anyway, I hesitated and yeah, they're all gone. Sure, you can find them on other sites but with the sale I could've snagged one for like forty-some bucks instead of a whopping seventy. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.
On a completely unrelated note, we've 'upgraded' to a big girl car seat. We got the Britax Marathon. Chosen because of the great reviews and the fact that it can be rear facing up to forty pounds. What I don't get is how a forty pound child would sit in this seat in a rear-facing position. When we installed it the seat is right up against the backrest of the car - effectively leaving no space for dangling legs. Please, tell me, are we doing something wrong here? I just don't get it.
As much as I know we HAD to switch seats (she is rapidly approaching the weight limit for her infant seat), I really do miss that thing. Now when Violet falls asleep in the car I have to take her out and carry her the whole way upstairs, whereas before I could just carry the seat up and quickly transfer her to the crib. So far she has woken up every. time. and thinks it's time to play again. Anyone have any tricks for getting kids from the car seat to the crib? I'm all ears!
Oh yeah, and Charlie says

We have the Britax Marathon too and same thing w/ the foot room - they have none when rear-facing. None. But my daughter seems to be quite comfy in the seat. There have only been a few times where we needed to transfer her to stay asleep (like for the night) and she's been okay. One of us usually runs inside and gets her music and night light ready so we can just put her in the crib and say goodnight.
ReplyDeleteI have the same question! We have the Britax marathon and at just 8 months old Knox's feet are right up against the backseat. It's reclined as far as it will go too. I have no idea how you're supposed to keep a 2 year old in that position. We'll honestly be lucky if we can make it a year I feel like. Let me know if you figure it out!
ReplyDeleteI never understood it to be honest. When my son was 7-8months old [he is 3 now] we had the same issue. He didn't have enough room with rear-facing... We kept him rear facing right around 2yrs old and his feet/legs were just so cramped. I was begining to think he was growing abnormally fast [lol] but he wasn't.
ReplyDeleteShe is such a cutie! :)
There is no rear facing leg room with *any* convertible car seat as far as I know. The seats are just simply too big.
ReplyDeleteThey say that the kids do not need to have their legs dangling and they are fine to just keep them folded up however they please when rear facing.
As far as falling asleep in the convertible and transferring to the crib goes - we have never bothered using an infant seat, but when my oldest was big enough to have a regular nap schedule I used to just try really hard to keep him awake until we got home and then he went into bed straight away. Singing, games, animal noises, find and seek, etc. But my kids do not do the transfer thing well. I suppose other people's kids might.
We have a Britax as well and they are huge! We even have a Honey Odyssey Van and when rear facing there is still no room for legs to dangle. However, my daughter will be 2 yrs in a month and she is STILL rear facing. Her legs are little bent, but she doesn't mind one bit. The AAP is now recommending rear facing until at least 2 yrs or when the child reaches the weight/height limit for that seat. Most people worry about their little legs being bent and fear that they could break during a crash. But as our pediatrician said, better a broken leg than a broken neck!
ReplyDeleteI like this demo video from you tube.
Hope that helps. I plan to keep my daughter rear facing until at least 35 lbs, but her seat will allow up to 35 lbs. So far so good and it makes me feel a little better every time we jump on the hwy.
And as for your waking problem with Viloet. I went through the exact same thing when I switched my daughter to the convertible seat. If she fell asleep around nap time I would normally just keep driving around to let her get a nap in because she would have a hard time going back to sleep once taken out. Or I would just be careful to not be in the car to close to nap time so she could take it at home. Easier said than done though! We have things we have to do! Once she went from 2 naps to just 1, she is out like a rock and is so easy to transfer from car to crib. If she does wake up a little she falls right back asleep without any problem. Violet will get there pretty soon. It's just a matter of getting use to it.
Sorry for the long response. Hope that helps out a bit! Love your blog!
Jennifer from Colorado :-)
We have the same car seat and kept my daughter in it until she was too tall and her head went up above the back of the seat (there's a height limit, too) around 22 months and we flipped it. She kept her legs crossed and never knew it any different. I definitely got comments from other moms about how uncomfortable she looked, but she wasn't uncomfortable and most importantly, she was as safe as possible which is the whole point of car seats anyway.
ReplyDeleteNo advice on the sleep thing. Neither of my kids has ever stayed asleep during a transfer. Oh well.
Violet is adorable and Charlie is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see my daughter who sleep in a a very comfortable way so I found this convertible that would fit to my daughter.
ReplyDeleteAnd it sound interesting even we have no comfortable room as if she has laden in a god and comfortable bed.
Wow! Thank you for all of the wonderful and helpful comments! I've read up on rear-facing regular (non-infant) car seats, and it seems that what many of you mentioned is correct - they are just supposed to fold their little legs up :) As far as the transfer, we've been opening the car doors and I've been hanging out with her in the vehicle (computer or smart phone in hand) if it's nap time. Bedtime - no such luck obviously. Thanks for all of the advice - change is hard! XOXO!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you for all of the wonderful and helpful comments! I've read up on rear-facing regular (non-infant) car seats, and it seems that what many of you mentioned is correct - they are just supposed to fold their little legs up :) As far as the transfer, we've been opening the car doors and I've been hanging out with her in the vehicle (computer or smart phone in hand) if it's nap time. Bedtime - no such luck obviously. Thanks for all of the advice - change is hard! XOXO!