7:30 AM - I hear Violet's squawk through the monitor. I stumble out of bed to find her sleepy but smiling face peeking over the edge of her crib. We go downstairs and she has a diaper change and a bottle and then we play for a bit.
8:00 AM - Violet gets dressed for the day. It's supposed to be a scorcher so we head outside before it gets too hot. Violet insists on taking her toothbrush along (one of her new favorite things) and refuses to let me snap the bottom of her romper. She's very opinionated these days...
9:00 AM - We head back inside and play a little bit longer. Violet has some apples while I make and eat breakfast (a blueberry bagel with cream cheese and a banana) and then it's time for a morning nap.
9:30 AM - Violet has another bottle and is down for a nap. I rocked her for a bit, then laid her down in her crib. She fussed a little but pretty much went right to sleep (this is a new thing for us - hurray!) While Violet naps I shower, fold laundry, restock diapers, and generally straighten up around the house. I also get Violet's diaper bag packed for whatever adventures we are going on today.
11:15 AM - Violet is still sleeping (unusual for her), so I decide to have some brunch (leftover carrot cake from my dad's birthday and hot Bushel's Breakfast Tea from my sister in Australia) and admire the grocery store flowers that the Hubster picked up for me the other day.
11:30 AM - Of course just as I take my first sip of tea, I hear another sweet little squawk through the monitor. Violet comes down and joins me for brunch, after which we quickly hop in the Rav and head to market.
12:30 PM - We also head to the bank and grocery store (for things like cat litter, toilet paper, and bagels). Suddenly our smooth-sailing day turns sour when I notice that we've lost Violet's pacifier. It's pretty much a life or death situation as it's the only type she'll take, we're down to one, and they are out of stock EVERYWHERE. She will rarely go to sleep without one these days as she is doing some serious teething and can't have pain meds.
After scouring the store for half an hour with a cart full of groceries and a tired, grouchy toddler, I give up and head home. We try a lot of things (frozen teethers, a (few) bottles, a frozen washcloth, a vibrating corn teething toy, and reading a book) but to no avail. Other pacifiers are not permitted near her mouth, and our day quickly turns disaster.
2:00 PM - After calling customer service a bajillion times (Yes, it's me the crazy pacifier mom again - has anyone found it?) with no luck we head back to the grocery store (sans groceries) in search of the rogue paci. I finally find it in the bakery section under a box (Lord knows how it got there). A kindly grocery store worker lets us scour our prize in the bakery sink and we leave triumphant. Violet falls immediately asleep in the car (car seat picture taken back at home - not in the car).
2:30 PM - I rock her for a few minutes before transferring her to her crib. After putting away the rest of the groceries and wolfing down a ham and cheese sandwich, I also lay down for a few minutes.
3:30 PM - Violet is awake. She has a bottle and her grammy comes over to visit with us for the evening. She takes Violet outside for some play time while I relax a bit more.
4:00 PM - I venture outside to find that Grammy has been pulling Violet around in her
5:00 PM - Back inside, Violet has some carrots for dinner followed by her bath, a fresh diaper, and dry jammies before calling her Aunt Nikki and Uncle Dan on Skype. They live in Australia and we try to Skype them once a day if our schedule permits.
7:00 PM - We order pizza (mushroom and spinach) and continue to play and 'hang out' with Aunt Nikki until the Hubster gets home.
8:30 PM - Daddy is home and Violet gives him snuggles and kisses on the floor. Then she is quickly whisked off for a bottle and bed (she's already up past her bedtime to so that she could see him). After a bit of rocking I lay her down and leave the room. She fusses off and on for a while without falling asleep, so I take another bottle up, she eats a bit more and goes right to sleep.
9:00 PM - I clean up the house a bit and relax on the couch with the Hubster - he watches South Park and I blog for a bit before bed.
10:30 PM - We brush our teeth, load the dishwasher full of bottles, scoop the kitty litter (ah the glamorous life!), water the flowers, and go to bed. A long day, but a good one in the end. ♥
Sounds like a day in the life of a mom! Violet is so cute - you are truly blessed! Just found your blog - New follower :)
ReplyDeletethe drama of the lost pacifier! scary stuff! We have (had) 8 pacifiers for our twins and I often cannot find any. They go the way of the missing socks from the dryer I think.
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog for a while and I don't think I've ever commented before! Anyway, I noticed your baby monitor in one of the pictures and it looks like the same one we put on our registry (Sony Baby Call). Do you like it?
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is adorable and I love your blog! :-)
TOO MUCH CUTE im dying. <3
ReplyDeleteThanks all! She is pretty cute (I'm a little biased, but ya know ;))
ReplyDeleteB. - I totally agree...the dryer must sneak upstairs at night and eat the pacifiers too.
lauren - We like our monitor pretty well. We liked our old one that we found at a yard sale better. It was basic - no bells or whistles. The annoying thing about this one is that it beeps when it 'goes out of range'. Well it beeps a LOT. It can be sitting in one spot and beep on and off. Annoying. Otherwise works great!
a wonderful day to remember this hectic but wonderful time. I was laughing that my kiddo has some of the same toys: the ball popper thingy, the walker, etc. I adore this stage but it is so demanding
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog for a while and I don't think I've ever commented before! Anyway, I noticed your baby monitor in one of the pictures and it looks like the same one we put on our registry (Sony Baby Call). Do you like it?
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is adorable and I love your blog! :-)