One Year Photos: Sneak Peek

Violet's one year photos went really well! She got a little fussy due to the heat (who knew it would be upper eighties/lower nineties in mid-May!? But overall the shoot went great. Megyn Barroner was amazing to work with - she was incredibly patient and worked really hard to get some beautiful photos. Thank you so much Megyn!

Stay tuned for more photos!


  1. oh this one is so good! ilove it!

  2. Gorgeous!

    I'm always doing shoots with my little one, and I love capturing his many moods! He can be a total crab!

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  3. Thanks ladies! Megyn did such a great job. Gillian - I do love that we got a range of expressions from V - I even like the pouty grouchy faces - they're all cute!



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