Displaying Family Photos

I didn't have many links to post for you today, so instead I thought I'd talk about the main topic on my mind this week - Violet's photos!

I'm starting to think about things like prints and albums. I'd love to get each grandparent a mini brag book of some sort, and of course small prints as well. But for us I'd really love to have at least one photo enlarged and hung in our home. I think that family photos can look truly beautiful if done in a tasteful way. Here are a few inspiration photos I've gathered:

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What do you think about hanging large family photos? I think my main problem will be which photo to choose! 

Happy Friday!


  1. I love the idea. What is more important than family. Really cool pics. Just don't do the one with the cut off heads. Cute, but bodies without faces is kind of weird to me.

  2. I love photos all the time everywhere!! I just had a couple of them done through 'canvas on demand'...nice for a focal point!

  3. Haha - I'll make sure the photos all have heads Grammy :) Diane and Chad - I need to check that out, thanks for the tip!



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