Loser Parents

Yep, that's us. The loser parents on the block. We totally were too lazy to drive across town to Kids R Us to buy our kid a four dollar baby pool. So we made due. First we tried to convince her that her baby tub was a pool.

It kinda did the trick - she got wet and cooled off and was able to splash a bit, but I started to get worried that I was turning her into a claustrophobic like her crazy mom after being confined in that poor excuse for a pool. Next up - the bath tub! Insert cool water instead of warm and voila! Instant pool. But considering that our house is air conditioned the whole cool-off-in-the-pool-on-a-hot-summer-day concept kind of seemed silly.

Now, don't worry. All of you shaking your heads out there on our loser parenting skills, you can rest easy. I'm happy to inform you that we finally did it - (we needed a shower and birthday gift anyway), so we drove across town and bought the poor kid a pool. Annnnnnd I think she likes it!

So Violet - you're welcome. And please don't become a crazy claustrophobic person like your mama.


Your loser mom

P.S. Yes, the whole shopping online for a bathing suit thing worked out! Insert sigh of relief here.

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  1. Your bathing suit is adorable! Haha..I need to get a pool for my little ones too. = )

  2. You girls are too cute! Love the suits! We have that same whale tub and I love it. Best baby tub ever! Happy 4th to you and your family!

  3. so. flippin. funny. love the post and the blog! xo

  4. is ok, kids love even a sprinkler, they don't need much. She looks like she was having fun

  5. is ok, kids love even a sprinkler, they don't need much. She looks like she was having fun



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