Play Room Progress

So we've made some serious headway in the playroom - hallelujah! The floors look great, the room is painted, and it looks like a whole different space. As a reminder, here is what it looked like when we moved in:

And here is what it looks like today:

I'm so happy with how much brighter and airier it's looking. Of course, the space isn't finished. The Hubster still has to add baseboard trim and I have a lot of work to do in the prettying-things-up department. Right now the room is full of hand-me-down toys, but we recently purchased a play table for the space and I'd also like to buy Violet a wooden dollhouse.

As a refresher, here is the general color scheme I am going for in the space (which will eventually become Violet's big girl room):

Most sources can be found here. I ordered samples of these three fabrics from

 one . two . three

...but if anyone has a good inexpensive source for a corally-pink fabric, I'd really love to here them. Thanks so much!


  1. Wow- you rescued that space! It is lovely, light and bright. Those floors are gorgeous!

    I'm really into coral right now, but don't have any sources for you. :(

  2. That is such a cute little room!

    As for fabric, right now I currently get my fabric from Hawthorne Threads. I know they have some nice solid colors in pink but their yds usually run about $8.00 and up. Have you tried Joanns?

  3. O wow! It looks so fresh with the new colors and hardwood floors.

  4. I noticed today that wooden dollhouses were on sale on Zulily. They're from Melissa & Doug. Just an FYI!

  5. How scared were you when you saw that original rug? I like your new paint color...very bright, clean and fun.

  6. Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments!

    I haven't tried Joann's or Hawthorne's yet - thanks for the suggestions.

    Barbara - that dollhouse was so cute, great tip! Unfortunately I'm on a spending freeze at the moment, but I'm going to keep that one in mind.

    I was very disturbed by everything in that room when we bought the house - the rug, the blood red walls, the animal print purse border. But I knew it could be very pretty and I was excited to de-bordello it!

  7. that's a great rug. i love how it looks with those coral/pink swatches. great palette!

  8. Can I ask where you got the rug from? I didnt see the link to the source.

  9. Thanks Terese!

    Anonymous - the rug was purchased at Anthropologie but is no longer available.



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