I've heard so many people say that they absolutely loved being pregnant and miss it. I must say that I can't join them in this feeling, as much as I might like to. Here are a few of my
- I cannot get comfortable. If I sit, my butt hurts, if I stand, my feet hurt. When I lay down, it's like I have a bowling ball inside of me.
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- Sock monkies creep me out. For some reason I feel like I should like them, but I have yet to find a non-creepy one.
- I frequently called Violet 'my little parasite' during the first trimester and refer to her as an alien when I see my belly moving around on its own.
- The Hubster does most of the cooking now. He doesn't really even ask me to help, he just lets me sit on the couch like a lump while he does all of the work. He is amazing.
- I have a lot of horrible thoughts lately. I'm sure I can credit them to the hormones raging throughout my body, the tiredness, and the discomfort, and I try not to act on them. You'd think pregnancy would make you have loving, motherly thoughts but certainly not for me.
- Sometimes I throw things (don't worry not plates - more like socks or tissues) to vent a little insanity and I often make nasty faces lately to express my wretchedness.
- I hate that I want to nest and organize and get my home ready for the baby, but have absolutely zero energy to do so by the time I get home from work.
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- I definitely take up three-fourths (or more) of our queen-sized bed. Three or four pillows to prop me up, a body pillow, and a pillow or two between my legs is all I need for a semi-comfortable night of sleep. Although sometimes those don't even help.
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- When I walk I hear a soundtrack playing in my head of a bass drum or some sort of giant elephant plodding along.
On the flip side, I know that at the other end of this pregnancy is a beautiful baby of my very own and I would do it all over again without question. And I know that I shouldn't even been complaining. I've had a very smooth and uneventful pregnancy so far - there are so many women who have it so much worse than me. But I don't know if I could live in a world where you can't complain now and again on your own blog ;) So thanks for bearing with me and I hope at the very least you enjoyed the pretty pictures!
What is/was your biggest pregnancy complaint?
I'd love to hear them - it'd make me feel a little better about doing all of that whining ;)
My biggest complaint was (and still is!!) the pain in my tailbone. To this day, when I sit on it wrong, my tailbone is so painful- and it's been painful since my 20th week of pregnancy. ugh!!
ReplyDeleteI'm 23 weeks pregnant and also shouldn't complaing because I have sailed through the pregnancy this far. My biggest complaint: it's a totally energy zap. On the weekends, I am one giant vegetable on the couch even though I had grandiose plans and goals for the weekend.
ReplyDeleteI must say, you are truely adorable pregnant! I hope when I get that this stage in life, I look as cute as you do!
ReplyDeleteRight now my biggest complaint is people approaching me and giving me a knowing nod and smile as they say/ask, "it's twins, right?". Or "Are you sure it isn't twins?".
ReplyDeleteHow rude can someone be?! I'm already insecure about my size (the elephant soundtrack plays here too!) and saying things like that really hurts.
I wish people would think before they talk!
It doesn't help that I am extremely grumpy and feel like shooting back with a really rude comment. Last Saturday when said something to me about how big I was I said, "Actually, according to my DOCTOR my belly is in correct size range for my gestation.". I was trying not to say anything mean but there was some annoyance in my voice that only...some people could have missed.
I am right there with ya on about all this, I am exhausted all the time, can't get comfy and in an awful mood because of it....
ReplyDeleteYou're so cute! Your post made me smile (now I know what I have to look forward to someday).
ReplyDeleteLauren, I LOVE your confessions! I can sympathsize with every single thing you listed. I didn't really like being pregnant the first time and this time around everything is doubly challenging because I'm also chasing a 3 yr. old. But your right - the end result is amazing and so worth it.Trust me, though, you will never hear me say "I miss being pregnant!"
ReplyDeleteI see your pic of a indoor TeePee and all I can think is: Guy goes to the doctor and says "Doc, I've got a problem! One day I feel like I'm a teepee, the next day I fee like I'm a wigwam. Teepee! Wigwam! Teepee! Wigwam!"
ReplyDeleteDoctor says, "Relax! You're two tents!
Please kill me now. thanks.