Nursery Sneak Peek

The hubster and I have been hard at work on the nursery. That is, I'm helping when I'm not having shooting sciatic nerve pain in my back! Luckily, I started my wall mural early before I had to hobble around like an old lady. I could have just gone with a wall decal, but couldn't find anything just right, so I decided to paint this:


The leaves are actually fabric - I wanted to add a little texture. Stay tuned for a post on how I got them to stay on the wall - it's actually really easy!


And a few of the handmade etsy creatures that can be found scampering around Violet's room these days:

And finally, I have a question for all of you. I have been working on giving this hand-me-down dresser a bit of a facelift:

I've painted it (sorry forgot to take a before picture - just try to imagine it being all oak-colored), but decided to leave some of the original wood exposed. Now it's time to change out the knobs, and I have a question for you:

Should I go with white or metal knobs?

I've been debating it for a while and am leaning toward metal, but I'm not sold yet. What do you think?


  1. Hmmm I vote metal or you could do a colored knob. Great job so far!!

  2. Gosh, nothing but amazing! I vote for the metal knobs as well.

  3. I vote for metal as well. I found these really cool octagon shaped knobs at Target for my house.

  4. You could always try editing the picture to make the knobs white then metal to see which looks the best!!
    The mural is adorable!

  5. wow, it's really coming along, and it's gorgeous so far! as for the dresser knobs, I vote metal!

  6. I love that mural...great job! I vote metal knobs for the dresser.

  7. I also vote metal for the knobs.

    Outstanding work! I absolutely love the paint color - what is it?

  8. Thanks ladies! The paint color is Behr Prelude.

  9. Love it! We have a very similar looking tree...but I took the easy way out and did vinyl.

  10. this room looks fantastic...really cute

  11. I love, LOVE this room! I noticed tha you painted the mural by hand. Did you use a template or completely did it freestyle? I'd like to copy your idea, if that's ok. But I think I'd need to find a template. My potential nursery also has a slanted ceiling and wood floors. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. This is precious!! I would get some vintage doorknobs or brooches and have every knob be different!

  13. This is precious!! I would get some vintage doorknobs or brooches and have every knob be different!



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