Get the Granny Chic Look

I love all things crocheted. There's just something so homey and warm and it reminds me of my Grammy :) And since the Granny Chic look is in, it gives me an excuse to post about it! Someday I vow to learn how to do this myself.

Here are some fabulous items that I've found for sale for those of us not skilled with crochet hooks:

etsy seller emma lamb

etsy seller Paiva Artisan Crafts


etsy seller For Stitches Sake

etsy seller kdericks

etsy seller hollyberry

etsy seller Curly Birdie

etsy seller Corbels And More

via Flickr

etsy seller KONANE

etsy seller emma lamb

For more Granny Chic ideas, check out Nicole over at Making it Lovely. She's way into the Granny Chic thing and is currently redoing her office in this style. Oh and definitely take a look at dottie angel too.


  1. Oh my, those booties are adorable!

  2. Those are just scrumptious images. Love them...and my vote is the booties are # 1.

  3. Those cranky pants are great! I'll have to check those out.

  4. Those are just scrumptious images. Love them...and my vote is the booties are # 1.



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