Beauty and the Beast


Call me crazy but I'm loving my pile of pretty pink party supplies! It's growing by leaps and bounds these days as we're in full on party mode at this point.

And the Beast:

Ack! The Hubster found this absolutely horrifyingly disgusting arachnid in our basement the other day. Thank goodness I was not the one to discover it or a definite heart attack would have occurred. He, of course, calmly trapped it and released it outside (FAR FAR from the house at my insistence). Sorry to any neighbors who become its next victim. Although when I compare it to the BIRD EATING spiders (seriously people...they eat BIRDS) that my sister has to deal with over in Oz I feel pretty lucky...

Okay, that's enough spiders for a day lifetime. Sorry to subject you to that but you know how some things can be so disgusting that they are almost fascinating? (As long as they are safely trapped in a piece of plastic that is).

Anyway...back to party planning!

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  1. DISGUSTING!!!!! But love the party supplies :)

  2. EEK!!! Our neighbors would have thought there was a crime being committed at our house if I came across that thing - yikes!!
    And the party supplies are so great - can't wait to see it all come together and hear about the plans.

  3. That thing is huge! I would freak.
    The party stuff is looking great. I love those little monogram bags.

  4. OMG that is massive !! But the pink party supplies are lovely !!


  5. um i thought that was a fake spider. OMG ew.

  6. It's definitely real. And definitely disgusting.

  7. Ewwww!!! I HATE spiders. Exactly how big was that thing? Yuck!!!

  8. So...I thought that was a fake spider - that think is GROSS. I would have fainted I think and not been able to sleep. SOOOOO GROSS!

    Her party is going to be simply perfect. :)



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