My Mother's Day

Thank you to the Hubster for letting this tired mama sleep in til the glorious late hour of nine AM. Thank you to my sweet sweet child for greeting me with this glorious snuggle.

Thank you to my husband and sweet baby girl for my beautiful flowers.

Thank you to the Hubs for giving me time - glorious time - with which to get ready for the day.

Thank you to my parents for being our charming lunch dates and for entertaining my little wild child.

Thank you to my mom for the gift of glorious time yesterday evening with which to clean my mess of a house and relax a bit. Thank you to my mom for being you - what would I ever do without my mother? My perfect mother who never thinks of herself but always thinks of everyone else. I love you Mommy!

Thank you to my mother-in-law (and father-in-law) for hosting a little party for my sweet child's first birthday on her one day when she should be allowed to do nothing at all.

Thank you to my mom for Violet's pretty little birthday cake that she couldn't eat, but didn't seem to mind a bit. Who needs cake when you can chew on The Punisher?

Thank you to my sweet, sweet, glorious baby girl for being you. You are my perfect Mother's Day gift. Last year at this time I hadn't met you yet, but I loved you nonetheless. I love you more each day. I will love you always.

I hope each and every mother and mother-to-be had a restful day filled with snuggles, flowers, and family. Is there anything more glorious in this life than being a mother?


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful day spent with great, loving people!

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  2. Looks lovely!

    happy mothers day!!!

  3. Happy Mother's Day to both of you lovely ladies as well!



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