One-Year Photos: Inspiration

Here are a few inspiration photos for Violet's one-year photo shoot. I obviously want some of just her, but I'd like a bunch of family shots as well, as we don't have many of the three of us:

Gorgeous, no? All sources can be found on my family photography board on Pinterest here.


  1. gorgeous photos! I especially love photo 1

  2. the sandy beach foot one is to. die. for.

  3. I'm in love with that first photo. This is so timely b/c I was just thinking that I would like to get my daughter's pictures done now (9 months) and at a year as well. These are great inspirations. Have you chosen a photographer?

  4. I really like the first and last ones. They are pictures you'd never get tired of looking at.

    Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the eyes closed thing. Maybe I've just watched to many episodes of CSI, but they always remind me of crime scene photos. Yeah, it's probably just me though...

  5. So cute - I love the one of the sandy feet! Thanks for sharing.

  6. LOL @ Elise's comment! i can't wait to see who you go with. i still have family photos planned in my head. i even have a photographer picked out. now we just have to find the time ;)

  7. Such great inspiration!! We are in the same boat it seems..I am also looking for photo shoot ideas for our son.

    -Newest follower. I found your blog via Henry glad I found it!

    Delighted Momma

  8. So cute pictures and i love family pictures.

  9. These are all gorgeous! I especially love the golden field shots. I just love photos!

    Good luck with Violet's shoot!

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  10. These are all gorgeous! I especially love the golden field shots. I just love photos!

    Good luck with Violet's shoot!

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  11. Very cute little family photos. I love the one of the sandy feet. Very cute.



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