Friday Favorites


Peony season in Paris *swoon* What I wouldn't do for a peony season in Pennsylvania!

A detailed, no-nonsense approach on how to get a child to eat. Oh if only my child would eat...

Not feeling creative? Check out these perfect party pdf's available for purchase over at One Charming Party. There's an art gallery party, a baking party, a superhero party, a dinosaur party, a water party, and a pajama glam party:

Loving this amazing roundup of adorable elephants! Elephants are everywhere.

Looking forward to the day when Violet can do some things for her SEFF! Okay, okay I know the day will come...until then I'll enjoy my toddler baby while I can!

Wouldn't these photos of tulip fields make for some great modern art on the walls?!

Happy Friday!


  1. Peonies are my absolute favorite! I must go to Paris during Peony day. And yes those tulip field photos are amazing and would look great as modern art!!




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