Shari Lott writes the popular baby blog Spearmint Baby. It's full of inspiring stories of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood, beautiful photos of children's spaces, and much, much more. I feel very lucky to have met Shari and have the opportunity to contribute to her blog each week, and especially lucky that she is contributing a guest post to my little corner of the internet. Here is a day in the life of this busy mom/entrepreneur:
I'm so excited to be guest blogging while Lauren is away. A day in my life is busy, tiring, and filled with laughter. I wouldn't change it for the world! I have 2 little ones: Harper is 2.5 yrs and Rexford is almost 15 months.
I am really lucky to have a wonderful babysitter help me with the children from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Her name is Vero, and she is from Mexico. She speaks to the kids in spanish all day. My husband and I both would love our children to learn multiple languages to help give them an advantage in this ever changing world! On Tues & Thurs I sit myself in a comfy leather chair at Starbucks and get most of my blogging done for the week.
So, I thought it would be much more fun to share my routine on Mon, Wed, Fri:
7:00 - 8:00
Around 7:00 AM Harper starts calling my name. She usually yells "Shari, Shari" ever since she figured out that other people do not call me "Mama." I usually go change her diaper and let her play in her crib for about 30 minutes so that I can snooze just a wee bit longer.
8:00 AM
Harper and I shower together (sometimes Rexford comes in too) if I am feeling really ambitious. Then we get dressed and have a quick breakfast. Lately it has been a bowl of Mini Wheats or Cheerios, a fresh peach or nectarine, and a glass of milk. They both seem pretty satisfied with this. If we are in a HUGE hurry then I pull an Einstein's Cinnamon Raisin Bagel out of the freezer.
Out the door & on our way to summer camp. Harper starts camp at 9:30 AM.
Rex & I are back home. We play with toys for about 30 minutes. Sometimes he just likes to play with our dog Stella. Other times he is happy to play with toys in his crib. If so, I get on the computer and try to get some emails written, and perhaps a blog post.
Rexford is down for a short nap. I usually throw a load of laundry in the washer, unload the dishwasher, and then more blogging.
My alarm goes off. Time to get back in the car to pick up Harper. If I am fast, Rex & I stop at Dunkin Doughnuts for a cup of coffee. The ladies there love Rex and he usually gets to go behind the counter and pick out a Munchkin!
12:00 PM
Camp gets out and I get lots of hugs & kisses from Harper. We head back home.
12:30 - 1:30
Lunch...soup, cucumber/tomato/feta cheese pasta salad, blueberries. I always try to make something nutritious for lunch. If they eat really well they each get 2 animal crackers for dessert ;) I sit down with them and ask a lot of questions. I love to hear Harper tell me about her day. She tells me about swimming in the big pool, and what toys she played with. It is usually a mix of english and spanish since she is learning both. Whenever she has no answer for my questions she responds with a "No se!"
1:30 - 3:30
NAPTIME! On a really good day both my kids will sleep for almost 2 hours. On a bad day one of them is up within 45 minutes.
3:30 - 6:00
We wake up and play, go to the grocery store, go to the pool, museum, park, long walks, etc. We usually make a decision based on the weather.
Back home for dinner. Last night I grilled a turkey burger and asparagus for them to share. They also love hardboiled eggs, red beets, grapes - pretty much anything. Both of my children enjoy fresh, healthy foods and for dessert I often give them each a Kit Kat stick.
We all crawl into my bed for pillow fighting and reading time. Usually Harper will read books with me for 30 minutes but Rex tires out in about 15 minutes.
7:30 - 7:45
Tuck in kids- Day is DONE!
8:00 - Midnight
I get most of my blogging done. WORK, WORK, WORK with a few fun snacks mixed in. I love a frozen Hersheys Almond bar with a cold glass of milk ;)
Thanks so much for reading- hope you enjoyed this! You can learn more about myself and my family here.

Thanks so much for reading- hope you enjoyed this! You can learn more about myself and my family here.
Shari Lott
Spearmint Baby
Thank you Shari for sharing your day with us! I think it's just fascinating to get a peek into another mom's world - don't you?
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