Chocovenyl Giveaway

Sorry to keep you in suspense - with the holiday weekend things were a bit crazy! Congratulatoins to Shelli of a la mode!

If you didn't win, don't fret - Chocovenyl has generously offered a ten percent discount to with two cats readers! Visit their Etsy shop here and their website here to check out all of their great fabric wall decals and enter the code 2cats at checkout. Happy shopping!


  1. YAY! I'm so excited!! Thank you Lauren! It's my first ever blog giveaway WIN! I feel like such a..well, winner! lol! xoxo Shelli

  2. So glad I could make you feel like a winner! :) I never win things either, although I enter all of the time. Thanks for entering and enjoy your prize ;)

  3. YAY! I'm so excited!! Thank you Lauren! It's my first ever blog giveaway WIN! I feel like such a..well, winner! lol! xoxo Shelli



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