Friday Favorites

Here are a few of my favorite things this week from around the interwebs:

Colorful abstract art from Michelle Armas (discovered via Hudson & Co)

What kid wouldn't love this duvet? Heck, I would love this duvet!

A sweet and simple nursery by Lena Corwin found via Design Sponge:

Adorable mini pinata favors. They'd take a while to make, but be so worth it!

LOVE this dresser before and after over on Design Sponge.

Pretty fabulous necklaces by Cursive Design  (discovered via Oh Joy!)

Have a happy weekend!


  1. Love all of these pictures! Pretty :)

  2. Michelle Armas is one of my favorites too. And I'm thoroughly enjoying your Spearmint Baby posts - where do you find all of those cool things?!

    Stopping by from Spearmint Baby, hop over when you get a chance!
    henry happened

  3. Love all of these pictures! Pretty :)



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