Violet's Easter 'Basket'

It's Violet's first Easter this year, and I've been at a bit of a loss when it comes to a basket. The H-Haus is teeny tiny, and storage for big woven Easter baskets is virtually non-existent. I came across this fabric basket on Etsy and fell in love. It's the perfect size for all of Violet's Easter treasures, but can be folded flat for storage or used year-round to corral books, toys, and trinkets.

So far this year we've decided on books, a couple of my favorite bunnies from when I was a child, a handmade Easter bonnet, and a wooden egg maraca.

If you have a similar dilemma (a tiny, old house with virtually no closet space), be sure to check out my cloth basket roundup over on Spearmint Baby.


  1. Too cute. All my stuff tends to come from the $1 Target aisle. :) I found a cute felt basket, some stickers, and little basil plant & some pens.

    Yours is adorable!

    henry  happened

  2. Cute! We are going to be doing something similar, and in the same boat as you also with not a ton of storage for a big ol' Easter basket. I like the idea of a fabric basket that can be easily stored and reusable throughout the year.

  3. Umm.. I feel the need to ask, wince I'm Jewish. Why do you need storage? So you can save a basket from year to year? As a memento or to reuse? And is the point of a basket to hold presents like a Christmas tree?

  4. Hi Ellen - yes, you are correct about saving the basket. I hate waste and would absolutely hate to buy a basket and get rid of it each year, and we don't have a spot to keep it in our house. The basket holds presents (usually candy and eggs) that the Easter bunny brings. Not religious at all - it's like the Santa Claus part of Easter if that makes any sense :)

  5. love it! it looks a lot like what I've been squirreling away for Huxley :)


  6. love it! it looks a lot like what I've been squirreling away for Huxley :)




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