Party Ideas: Violet's First Birthday

I can't believe it. I absolutely. cannot. believe it. My squishy soft sweet little baby going to be ONE YEAR OLD. Where has the time gone? The next thing I know she's going to be putting on eyeliner and running out the door with some guy named Ted. Okay maybe not Ted. Probably Jackson or Landon or Jayden/Cayden/Aiden/Brayden...but that's beside the point. The point is that my baby is turning ONE.

In order to distract myself from this tragedy important milestone, I've decided it's high time to start planning her party. Here are a few of my ideas so far:

Idea No. 1 - Classic colorful streamers:

I mean, I love bunting to death, but I don't sew, buying it is expensive (unless you want one measly strand), and really - it's EVERYWHERE. I'm almost to the point of bunting overload. Almost. (Okay, okay bunting - I still love you) But Jordan Ferney has done some a-mazing things with streamers, crepe paper, you name it, and if it's good enough for her, it's good enough for this mom.

Idea No. 2 - Pretty paper products:

Striped straws, gingham snack cones, and paper pennants. You can find a ton of great colors, patterns, and products here, here, and here to make your party pretty.

Idea No. 3 - Keeping it simple with cupcakes:

Instead of going all out for a big fancy cake that Violet can't even eat, I've decided to keep it simple and tasty with cupcakes. To make them special, I'm hoping to make some cupcake wrappers and toppers like in the pretty picture that you see above. (If you'd like to buy them, head over here). (Unfortunately this mom just can't swallow the price, so DIY it is).

So there's where we're at so far. Nothing earth-shattering, but I am hoping that the idea of 'less is more' holds true. Stay tuned for more party thoughts as they come to me!


  1. oh we just celebrated a FIRST birthday here...
    it is kind of emotional plus you want to have a fun day without overwhelming the most important person too much...
    enjoy the planning and make sure to show us pictures :)

  2. What are you going to do for invitions? I love planning parties! Right now, I'm in the midst of my soon-to-be-5 year old's 'SuperHero Party.' (She's a tomboy after my own heart.) ;)

  3. Here's another great site for birthday inspiration -

  4. These are some great ideas!
    I'm doing the same for my baby shower in terms of cupcakes. Everyone loves a really tasty cupcake!

    And I am doing a bunting with my daughter's name on it to hang at the shower, but I'm also going to use it in her room afterwords too. But I certainly can't sew, so it's all hand made baby. I'm also trying to exercise my crafty side, since I am in NO WAY crafty at all.

    Good luck with your birthday planning, it will be a beautiful party!

  5. First birthdays are so much fun to plan! You're right where simple is best. "They" say you shouldn't invite too many people either, but that's hard to do if you have a large family!

    I'm a new follower from the hop. If you have time, please hop by and visit me:

  6. Henry's first birthday photos soured when he decided he was too overwhelmed and needed to eat ON Mommy! We still got a few great shots. We decided against any major decorations. The cake was made by my friend and was awesome! A second party with family involved a bunch of beloved balloons, more yummy cake and mommy doing the majority of present opening. Less is definitely more when it comes to baby's first! The absolute best 1st birthday was my summer baby. Warm sun and cake-covered baby mix VERY well!!

    No matter what you decide I bet it will look wonderful!

  7. Henry's first birthday photos soured when he decided he was too overwhelmed and needed to eat ON Mommy! We still got a few great shots. We decided against any major decorations. The cake was made by my friend and was awesome! A second party with family involved a bunch of beloved balloons, more yummy cake and mommy doing the majority of present opening. Less is definitely more when it comes to baby's first! The absolute best 1st birthday was my summer baby. Warm sun and cake-covered baby mix VERY well!!

    No matter what you decide I bet it will look wonderful!

  8. First birthdays are so much fun to plan! You're right where simple is best. "They" say you shouldn't invite too many people either, but that's hard to do if you have a large family!

    I'm a new follower from the hop. If you have time, please hop by and visit me:

  9. These are some great ideas!
    I'm doing the same for my baby shower in terms of cupcakes. Everyone loves a really tasty cupcake!

    And I am doing a bunting with my daughter's name on it to hang at the shower, but I'm also going to use it in her room afterwords too. But I certainly can't sew, so it's all hand made baby. I'm also trying to exercise my crafty side, since I am in NO WAY crafty at all.

    Good luck with your birthday planning, it will be a beautiful party!



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