Violet - Eleven Months

Eleven months old. ELEVEN. Where has the time gone? In just one short month you will no longer be a baby, but a rough and tumble toddler. This month has brought with it many, many firsts, and many many photos. (And all of those photos were just so darn cute that your mama couldn't make a decision to save her life. In the end she decided that there can never be too many photos of you, so there are quite a few here to say the least).

A big first - crawling. Need I saw more? You are now officially a crawling baby, my love. Shortly after your ten month birthday, you decided that it was time, and off you went. You love exploring every nook and cranny, every speck of dirt and dust, every misplaced shoe. It's given your mama a lot of cleaning motivation, that's for sure! And baby-proofing the H-Haus has been a full time job. The outlet plugs have been plugged, the breakables within your reach have been cleared. We have every intention of installing cabinet locks and baby gates, and we keep the bathroom and closet doors closed at all times. We still have a lot to do, but we're getting there. Until then, we just chase you around like a couple of crazy people.

You can now stand on your own for a pretty long time and you're so coordinated that you can even clap and wave while doing so! Standing on one leg? No problem as long as you have something to hold on to. You love to pull things closer with your feet - maybe you're going to be a soccer player someday?

Cruising along the couch and making your way around the perimeter of the room are some of your favorite pastimes. Sometimes you even let go and will take five or six careful steps all on your own.

Your Grammy and Pop Pop bought you a stroller and you like to cruise around the house with your pal, Violet, in tow. (I know, same name, what are the odds?!) She sings some great songs that you love to dance to - you've got some great rhythm sweetheart! (Which you certainly didn't get from  your father or mother by the way). 

Standing at your favorite shelf and handing all of the toys and books to your mama and daddy is great fun as well, and if there is no one is there to hand them to, ripping them all off is just as thrilling. Speaking of mama, it's your new favorite word! Mom-mom-mom-mom - who knew one syllable could sound so sweet? You also love making funny sounds with your tongue. Hopefully next month will bring the da-da-da's - your daddy would sure love that!

Diaper changing has become more and more interesting all of the time. We now have a great system (or at least as good as it's going to get). We've brought your changing pad down to the living room, as we've determined that the way it cradles you helps to keep you in place as we rush like mad people to change your diaper. You really enjoy watching and listening to your favorite bird friends on your little projector while you get your bum cleaned as well. But in spite of our best attempts to keep you distracted entertained, your favorite thing to do is still roll over, stand up, and look out the window mid-diaper change.

Your father and I have become your personal transportation assistants. (PTA's) Although you can take a few steps on your own and can crawl like a champ, you still prefer a hand much of the time. We can't blame you as your little shins probably get sore from roaming all over our house full of hardwood floors.

You had your first overnight stay sans Mommy and Daddy this month as well You had a great time keeping Grammy and Pop Pop awake before you finally decided it was time and put yourself to sleep. Luckily you slept through the night, and even went back to bed for a bit right after your usual 6:15 wake up time. Such a grown up little girl you're becoming!

A few of your favorite pastimes this month include reading books:

Ripping out the contents of diaper bags and laundry baskets and waving around your discoveries:

 Swings! You love to swing and slide. We weren't sure how the swing would go over, as you hated your swing as a newborn, but you looooooove it!

Waving. All of the squirrels, bunnies, birds, and bugs that have come out of hibernation this spring get a special wave from you, my little beauty queen. I'll be sad when your waving phase is over, it's so darn cute!

And you're such a giver! Toys, pacifiers, bottles, pieces of fuzz - you want to give it all away. You love when people say, 'Thank you!' and you especially love when things are handed back to you.

Your favorite person to give things to is your daddy. He's so much fun and has become very skilled at helping you fall to sleep. You had a little more daddy-daughter time than usual this month, as your  mama spent part of the month at the hospital with your Grammy after her surgery and part of the month on the couch with bronchitis. (It's pretty hard to put a baby to sleep when you're coughing your lungs out, so you Daddy got the lion share this month). He loves you soooo much!

A few of your least favorite things this month included eating (you hate, hate, hate solids) and teething - you've got six teeth now and more on their way. You even bit your mama for the first time the other day (ouch!) It wasn't a mean bite - you just thought that my arm might make a good teether, but gosh did it hurt!

Sooo many new things, I feel like I can't keep up! And next month you're going to be a one year old; I still can't get over it. We've been busy as bees planning your party, we hope that you love it. Happy eleven months to our precious little baby. Even though you'll technically be a toddler next month - you'll be our baby forever!


Mommy & Daddy


  1. Happy 11 Months little one! I love ALL of these pictures!

  2. Oh my gosh. She is soooo darn cute! Nice blog Mommy.

  3. She is such a cutie, and those are some great pictures of her! Happy 11 months Violet!

  4. So funny that Violet loves the swing now. My oldest did the opposite. As a baby she'd hardly sleep anywhere except the swing, but on her first couple trips to the park she sobbed when we tried to swing her.

    Anyway, love the pictures. V is adorable!

  5. So funny that Violet loves the swing now. My oldest did the opposite. As a baby she'd hardly sleep anywhere except the swing, but on her first couple trips to the park she sobbed when we tried to swing her.

    Anyway, love the pictures. V is adorable!

  6. She is such a cutie, and those are some great pictures of her! Happy 11 months Violet!



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