August in Australia

In about a month and a half, the hubster and I will be leavin' on a jet plane for the land down unda! You may remember from a previous post that my sister lives there. She went for a study abroad, fell in love with her Australian R.A., and the rest is history. Here is the happy couple...

Engagement Party:

At home in Australia:

They are very happy and we talk to them often via Skype (it's free!). We even opened present together at Christmas! Here is a screenshot from our computer of us being goofy on Skype:

As great as Skype is, it's not the same as visiting in person. That's why my parents, aunt, the hubster, and I will all be boarding a plane to Mackay, Australia. Trip planning is currently in full swing and here is one of the exciting events Nikki has booked for us while we are there - an overnight safari at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney:

We'll stay in these 'tents' with a fabulous view of the harbour and city:

They are pretty luxurious:

And we'll even have a great view while we soap up:

After we arrive and settle in we'll get and up close and personal encounter with the animals:

Followed by a roast feast and nighttime safari! Here is the full itinerary.

I am getting more and more excited for the trip! I'm not sure how much blogging time I'll have when I'm there, so I'm going to try to get a few guest bloggers lined up to keep this place in tip top shape while I'm gone! No worries.


  1. Sounds like you are going to have a blast! Tell your sis I said hello and let her know that I have a pic of her that will make her smile... Cant wait to see your pics of the trip. Take care <3 jess kendall



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