Picture Perfect Cooking

So I happen to be a little bit cooking-challenged. Luckily the hubster is the chef at the H-Haus. Occasionally, however, I do get the urge to try my hand at something more creative than spaghetti, chili, and grilled cheese. When this ridiculous creative compulsion strikes, I turn to The Pioneer Woman for recipe direction.

Not only does she have a plethora of absolutely delicious dishes, many of the recipes include step-by-step photos - score!!! Perfect for a visual learner like myself. My favorite food experiment thus far are the bacon-wrapped jalapeno thingies:

Jalapenos, cream cheese, bacon - totally fits my cooking motto of, "keep it simple stupid!" Perfect for a party because you can prepare them ahead of time and then just put them in the oven before people arrive. Make a decent amount though, because they go fast!


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