Salvation Army Finds

So the hubster and I went to the Salvation Army the other day to drop off the rest of the yard sale. We decided to go in and browse around while we were there. I'm so glad we did! One of the first finds I came across was this fabulous white ceramic lamp:

Hidden amongst 70's, 80's, and 90's relics was this three dollar treasure. I had been longing for a white ceramic lamp like this one from Target for $229.99 :

And this one from Jayson for $195.00:
But they were so not in my price range! True, the curves on my Salvation Army lamp aren't quite as voluptuous, but for a savings of $192 - $226.99, it was a steal! Now I just have to find a barrel shade for it.

Here are a few other fab finds that we had to pass up...

In the middle of miles of laminate and particle board - this solid wood dresser with beautiful detailing! With a little TLC this could be divine:

This picnic basket was in fantastic shape. We already have one, but I'm sure someone will snatch this up for a mere $6.99:

The clean lines and piped edges of this sofa will make someone very happy with a little cleaning and/or reupholstering for $25.99:

I thought this antique phone table would be really sweet in a little girl or boy's room. This item was the most expensive at $88:

And finally the hubster found a great sport jacket for $9.99 that fit him to at tee (excuse the facial expression - he was using the camera as a mirror to see how it fit him, not planning on posing for the blog)! To the drycleaner's we go:

All in all I'd say it was a successful trip! Have you found any great deals at your local thrift store?

P.S. - Bathroom Reno begins today!!! I'm sooo excited. And Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there!



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