Nice Niche!

I'm really looking forward to summer renovation time - we will be kicking things into gear next week sometime, and I have quite the to-do list. One of the (many) things on my list is to spruce up the tiny guest bedroom. When we moved in it looked like this:

As you can see, the previous owner had quite the penchant for animal print. When we started this room, we ripped out the carpet, took down the animal print purse border, the hubster smoothed out the cracked plaster and bumpy walls, and we painted the room a fresh creamy color.

The guest bed will go in the alcove pictured above, but I want to dress it up a little and make it feel I went on a hunt for some nice niches, and here's what I came up with:

Have you created a cozy space for a bed, comfy chair, etc.? Tell me about it - I would love more inspiration!


  1. What a cozy guest area! I can't wait to see what you do. I love your inspiration pictures. :)



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