Decorating with...Chalkboards

So Holly over at Life in the Fun Lane has inspired me with her latest post about creating a gorgeous chalkboard using a few simple materials:

Here are a few inspiration photos I've dug up to suit the occasion:

Magnetic coasters from Etsy seller, PurposeDesign:

Have you used chalkboards as home decor? What do you use them for - inspirational messages? Notes to yourself or your family? Hanging photos or recipes? I'd love to hear your ideas!


  1. Hey Lauren,
    My Grandma has a Chalk board that has been hanging in her house since before I was born. We use it to leave messages to each other, for kids to draw on and to keep track of chores/errands/phone# etc. It has become such an important piece to our family that we are insisting that my Grandma keep the chalkboard (worn out though it may be)when she has her kitchen re-done this summer! It's a mainstay for our family!

  2. We made a chalkboard wall using the back of some cheap wood paneling in the basement. It looks OK, but definitely isn't as nice as a real slate board. I use it for beer recipes. *shrug* The magnetic paint is nearly worthless. The chalkboard paint is effective I suppose. Dropping chalk on the concrete floor is a hassle.

  3. Funny I should visit your site today (in between paint coats). I just painted a door in our kitchen with magnetic paint and now I'm finishing it with chalkboard paint. So far I'm thrilled with the results. Our fridge is not magnetic (have you even ever heard of such a thing!?!?!?) and I've been needing a place to hang whatever it is people hang on the fridge.

    p.s. I love your blog!!!

  4. Thanks Sarah! They sound like great ideas - I'd love to see photos of your spaces.

  5. Thanks Sarah! They sound like great ideas - I'd love to see photos of your spaces.



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