Camera - Check!

Sooo the hubster and I bought ourselves a new camera for our anniversary! We were going to get one anyway seeing as how our old one imploded (stopped reading memory cards and got condensation spots in the lens) and was old and kind of crappy. Plus we're leaving for Australia in less than three weeks and must have some documentation of our trip!

After looking at a wide range of options, we decided to buy the Sony Cyber-Shot HX1 Digital Camera:

We definitely wanted a hybrid - something that was good for photos as well as video. A good optical zoom was a must, as well as HD video capability, and a fast shutter speed. This one surpassed our expectations with fun gadgets like:
  • Sweep Panorama - simply move the camera from left to right (or vice versa) and it will capture the scene as one large image
  • Anti-Motion Blur
  • Handheld Twilight Mode - allows you to capture shots in low-light without a tripod
  • High Speed Shooting - up to 10 frames per second
  • Face-Detection Technology
  • Anti-blink Function
  • Red-eye Reduction
  • Smile-Shutter Technology - automatically detects and captures a smiling face
It won't give us professional images like a digital SLR would, but this baby is perfect for our needs and lifestyle! Of course we found the best deal on Amazon, so I have to wait three more whole days before I get my new and improved camera in the mail. Sigh!


  1. Still so jealous about your trip! lol NOW you can share gorgeous photos with us though. Hurray!

  2. Still so jealous about your trip! lol NOW you can share gorgeous photos with us though. Hurray!



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