A Gender-Neutral Nursery

In regards to a future nursery, Kelly wrote:

I could use an idea board for a gender neutral nursery (no, it isn't time yet, but it's almost time to paint THAT room and I'm only doing it once!) I'm thinking either a very pale green or a pale yellow. I'm leaning green, though -- I feel like it's more gender neutral than even yellow.

I have no real opinions on accent colors, but I don't like "light" wood furniture of any kind, so furniture will probably be dark. The room has old 1950's style wooden floors, so we'll probably need an enormous rug in that room eventually. The room is truly a basic square with 2 ranch-style joined windows and one sliding-track-door closet. Sorry I don't have a picture!

I took the Sproost style quiz -- I'm not so sure It told me I was mountain lodge style - TOTALLY not. I think I just liked the neutral tones in those pictures. My other two were classic and Nantucket style -- both of which are probably more accurate. Here are some of the inspiration photos I've gathered:

A gender-neutral nursery with dark wood furniture, pale green walls, and a tree mural? Here's the first idea board I came up with to meet that criteria:

To which Kelly wrote:

I like it! Maybe a different rug, though -- something with abstract patterns in it? and I'd love some color on the bumper/baby bedding. White-ish bedding...I just totally can't even imagine. My life would be dedicated to keeping that bedding immaculate!

Here are a few more graphic rugs I found for Kelly:

She loved the second one, so I found some more colorful bedding options for her:

She is currently debating between the first and last bedding options - maybe you all can help her decide! Which bedding would you choose - the colorful jungle animals in the first one, or the more subtle animal print in the last?

Paint – Behr Palm Breeze
Tree Wall Decal - Dali Decals
Striped Rug - Overstock
Crib – Babies R Us
Changing table - Babies R Us
Cream Bedding - Pottery Barn Kids
Wall Circles - Babies R Us
Giraffe Wall Art - Target
Mobile - Land of Nod
Receiving Blankets – Target
Fitted Sheet - Target
Bumper Pad - Target
Monkey - Target
Cream Drapes - Bed, Bath & Beyond
Colorful Circles Rug - Overstock
Neutral Circles Rug - Overstock
Giraffe Print Rug - Overstock
Colorful Jungle Bedding - Target
Green Bedding - Babies R Us
Brown Jungle Bedding - Babies R Us



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