Design Star Sentiments - Episode 2

The kitchen challenge. All I can say is wow (and not a good wow). Let's start by explaining the rating system. Designers will be rated on personality (P) and design (D) with the good ol' system of thumbs up or down. This is purely based on this episode and does not reflect my opinions from the previous. Here are the kitchens and the rundown:

Okay, I can't say it better than Vern - a rainbow definitely threw up in here (thanks to our color expert, Jen):

Maybe it could have been better if Nathan wasn't such a people pleaser?

Individual Ratings:

I wasn't sure about Antonio last week, but I thought he was a good leader (unfortunately he wasn't the actual leader) and has a no-nonsense personality that I like. I still love Torie and I still loathe Jen, but Jason has actual gone up a notch in my book. I still wasn't impressed with his design skills, but he seemed like a team player and was much less obnoxious this week.

Nathan was just trying too hard to be nice. I would have sent home Jen this week no question (at least from this team). Her fancy 'color degree' certainly isn't earning her any marks and she has all the personality of a rock (and I'm not talking diamonds here).

So that pretty much finishes up the Antonio Nate Squad...on to team Heart. Here is the unfinished kitchen of Jen's Team:

If it wasn't falling apart and had been accessorized, it might have been nice?

Individual Ratings:

Poor Amy seems like a sweetheart but just isn't cut out for this job. She did need to go home but not as much as Tashica. I can't believe they kept her after making the same mistake twice in a row. She needs to seriously redeem herself next week or she is outtie for sure.

Dan seems like a nice guy but seriously screwed up on the cabinets, and I loved Jany's idea for the tile but it was executed terribly. And then there's Lonni. I didn't even feel like I could accurately rate her seeing as I can't even remember one thing that she did or said on this show.

Overall I'm still rooting for Torie and Jany, but am also kinda liking Antonio and his big personality. Can't wait to see what happens next week!

Who is your current favorite?


  1. Yeah, to me, Nate's kitchen was just WAY too much wood, in a similar tone... I think, had the rethought the floor, so that it contrasted the cabinets a little more and pulled it back regarding the accessories, they could have had a really nice room. Team heart was a victim of time, I think... I like the over all design, but the problems with not ... Read Morehaving the time to be able to correct the counter alignment issues or the time to really do the tiling properly as well as having the time to properly accessorize killed them. I'd have maybe chosen a different color for the back splash, as it seemed quite bland. I just hate how they rush these designers... That's NOT real life. I understand it's for TV, which is what they're trying to ultimately break into, but let's be real... Whoever wins the competition will not be installing kitchen cabinets on their own.

  2. I agree with all your sentiments! So far Antonio and Torie are my favorites. We'll see how I feel after more episodes.

    I felt back for the one couple's kitchen. Modern yet warm? More like unfinished and oooogly. I feel like the designers heard Modern and wanted to crazy with it but didn't know how to make it livable.

    I'm completely hooked on the show now :)

  3. Yeah, to me, Nate's kitchen was just WAY too much wood, in a similar tone... I think, had the rethought the floor, so that it contrasted the cabinets a little more and pulled it back regarding the accessories, they could have had a really nice room. Team heart was a victim of time, I think... I like the over all design, but the problems with not ... Read Morehaving the time to be able to correct the counter alignment issues or the time to really do the tiling properly as well as having the time to properly accessorize killed them. I'd have maybe chosen a different color for the back splash, as it seemed quite bland. I just hate how they rush these designers... That's NOT real life. I understand it's for TV, which is what they're trying to ultimately break into, but let's be real... Whoever wins the competition will not be installing kitchen cabinets on their own.



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