Didgeri - Do

You may remember a while back that I posted about the didgeridoo I bought the last time I was in Australia. It had been living in the corner of our living room for far too long:

I had decided that the perfect place for it was on the wall above our television:

All we had to do was find some large, decorative hooks and hang it. Simple, right? Wrong. We searched far and wide in hardware stores, home stores, and online but either it was the correct size but ugly
meant for the garage, or it was beautiful but too small. One day, the hubster and I were in Bed, Bath & Beyond searching for a few items for our bathroom when he noticed the drapery hooks:

They were perfect! Decorative and large. Why didn't we think of this before? We promptly bought them and the hubster hung them that night (love him!) It was everything I dreamed it would be:

What do you think? A little better than the corner, eh!?



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