What the World Eats

At a recent education workshop I attended, the presenter was talking about the impact of visual images on learning. Basically that a picture's worth a thousand words type thing. One of the examples he used was absolutely fascinating - it was from a book called Hungry Planet: What the World Eats:

Photographer Peter Menzel and writer Faith D'Aluisio wrote a book featuring photographs of a week's worth of food for different families around the world as well as details of the food and its cost. Here are some of the photos:

The Revises of the United States ($341.98):

© 2005 Peter Menzel from ‘Hungry Planet: What the World Eats’

The Dongs of China ($155.06):

© 2005 Peter Menzel from ‘Hungry Planet: What the World Eats’

The Melanders of Germany ($500.07):

© 2005 Peter Menzel from ‘Hungry Planet: What the World Eats’

The Mendoza family of Guatemala:

© 2005 Peter Menzel from ‘Hungry Planet: What the World Eats’

The Aboubakars of Chad ($24.37):

© 2005 Peter Menzel from ‘Hungry Planet: What the World Eats’

If you would like more details, buy the book and/or check out this site. I think it is so interesting and would personally love to keep a journal to get a detailed account of exactly what the hubster and I eat in a week. It's amazing to see what a family can survive on...I think seeing some of these photos would be a real reality check - not only on how lucky we are but also on how much more fresh and healthy food is eaten in other cultures. (Or maybe how much less?)

It's definitely some food for thought anyway!


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